Group 4


Is there anything we can do as individuals or as a class to reduce hunger?

Your mission is to come up with an awareness campaign on how YOU can help do this. In your group you will prepare a poster ad in a Microsoft word document.This ad needs to make people aware of hunger and how we as a community can help

Before doing this take a look at this case study of a young girl called Malwi living in Ethiopia.

Malwi is 9 years old. Her and her brothers Belisa, Afram, Zaneb, Syed  live with their Mother and Father in the small village of Murehe, Rwanda, a country in Africa.

Famine is taking over the village of Murehe. The staple rice crop is failing. The people have no food.

Despite their efforts, Malwi’s parents cannot provide their children with the food they need to survive. Never knowing where her next meal will come from, Malwi spends her day helping her mother make the long trek to collect water from the almost dried up well - a 14km walk from their house.
Malwi can no longer go to school.

Her father spends his day collecting any metals and materials he can find and trade in an attempt to feed his family. Malwi’s Father never gives up, despite his lack of success day in and day out.

Malwi is tired, hungry and weak. She has no energy to play. She has nothing to play with.

The land is ravaged by drought. The people haven’t had rain in over 6 months. The cattle have grown skinny and weak and the crops are failing.

Malwi’s Parents and family are doing all they can to survive, but they cannot do it alone.

                                               WHAT CAN YOU DO?

Consider some of these questions:
  • How do you think Malwi feels?
  • What can be done to help her and her family?
  • Why have they no food?
  • What will happen if they can't get help?
  • What do you think you could do to help them?

Look at some if these websites to help you on your mission so you can help children like Malwi.
Have a look at these websites: (Make sure and check out the video)

Here are some images you might like to look at to help make your advertisement: